Apple generates a lot of buzz and excitement for new operating system releases, but adopting early can have negative side-effects. In general, we recommend people wait a few weeks to upgrade any software so that we can let other people have and solve problems for us. We do not earn points for putting out fires that we set ourselves.
Most software vendors have prepared their software for compatibility with the new operating system, but not all. So far, we have seen incompatibilities between the OS X El Capitan and the following software, and these are just the known knowns:
Microsoft Outlook 2011
After upgrading to OS X El Capitan, many users are unable to retrieve new email via Microsoft Outlook 2011. Outlook freezes and stops responding. Microsoft has released a patch to address this issue. The Microsoft patch is available here. Feedwire recommends updating Office 2011 before upgrading to OS X El Capitan.
Microsoft Office 2016
After upgrading to OS X El Capitan, many Microsoft Office 2016 users are experiencing frequent and seemingly random crashes in all Office 2016 applications. This issue has been acknowledged by both Microsoft and Apple, and fixed as of 10.11.1.
Dell SonicWall NetExtender VPN
After upgrading to OS X El Capitan, NetExtender users are unable to connect to remote networks. Neither Dell nor Apple have acknowledged the issue or recommended a remediation. Feedwire recommends that Dell SonicWall NetExtender users refrain from upgrading to OS X El Capitan until further notice.Feel free to email us with any questions about upgrading.
Printer Drivers
Some Canon printer drivers will not install on OS X El Capitan. Canon has not yet published a list of compatible or incompatible printers and has not yet published updated drivers.
Printer drivers in general are problematic. Check with your printer manufacturer and with Apple for availability before upgrading. Apple publishes a printer driver list, available here, but it has not been updated since the launch of OS X El Capitan
Don't Panic
If you have already upgraded to OS X El Capitan and you are experiencing problems with these or any other software, we are here to help. Feel free get in touch via our help page or to email
We will keep this article up to date as news comes in. Hopefully, all of these issues will be resolved within a few weeks of OS X El Capitan's launch.